关于Garden Plants Growing Guide
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The Garden Plants Growing Guide app provides gardening information on how to grow and care for 75 of the most popular garden flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
It is designed with simplicity in mind, with information provided on each genus including common names, distribution, growing region, when and how to sow, and plant care.
The Garden Plants Growing Guide contains beautiful photographs making it easy to visualize how the plants will look in your garden.
All of the plant growing information is stored natively on the phone, so there is no need for internet access to use the app once it has been installed. This means that you can access the Garden Plants Growing Guide wherever you are, whether it be in the garden greenhouse, at a nursery, or even a remote botanical garden.
Known Issue:
As the plant index is image intensive it may occasionally deliver a 'window not found error'; this is due to running out of internal memory on the phone. This most commonly occurs when many other apps are running simultaneously.
This is easily (usually) fixable by doing the following:
Navigate to
Settings --> Apps --> Downloaded --> Garden Plants Growing Guide
Then click the --> Clear Data and Force Stop buttons.
Increased spacing on the plant information pages for improved clarity.
Index fix of text overlapping pictures on high resolution phones.