关于Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra contain mantra lyrics and mp3(Audio) so you can listen as well as read or sing mantra. You can also enjoy with realtime animation(Bell move, crunch and other).
Gayatri Mantra is in continuous development and we will add more in future.
* Simple and User Friendly Design and Functionality.
* Real time bell Animation.
* Clear and High Quality Voice Content(Audio).
* Offline app so Use Application Without Internet.
* Gayatri mantra image set as Wallpaper.
Owner of Gayatri Mantra do not have any right on the content and audio present in this application.
In this app, if you found any information that is owned by you or any content that violates your copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights,please contact to us at ...
If you have any suggested features or improvements please leave a comment, or send me an email at [email protected]
In case something is not working correctly please let me know, I'll be glad to fix that.
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