关于Georgian fonts installer
来 Google Play 网购吧!购买内容之后,立刻就可以在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上享用,摆脱一切同步烦恼。
This application installs georgian fonts on your device.
Also old georgian alphabet is included \o/.
Samsung owners: Please note, that it patches only the default fonts, so if it should work but it does not, check
if you have switched to other fonts from the settings menu of you defice.
HTC owners: Please note, that you need S-OFF on a lot of devices, simple root does not help.
*MIUI Users:* This app does not work on MIUI, You need
This theme for MIUI.
After installing, only choose fonts
am programit darootol telefonebze vakenebt qartul fontebs
!!!ROOT is needed / sachiroa ROOT!!!
!!!Reboot phone after the installation is run!!!
If it not works, use "Send logs" in the menu of the app
to deliver the logs to me.
tu ar mushaobs menudan "Send logs" gamoizaxe da me momiva chanacerebi da shevzleb gavaanalizo.
Icons created by mimic.
Tu ar icit ra aris root an Install button ar aris aqtiuri, nu afasebt programas uarkofidat. jer gaerkviet, an email, momceret!
- Some bugs fixed. Thanks for reports
- ICS Fonts added