关于GK Test & Kids Quiz Trivia - Quiz Game For Kids
Well, you can never know what your kid might ask you. They are growing, and they need answers to a lot of things, which means you would have to answer every ‘who, what, when, where, why, how’! And that can be daunting.
If you are looking for something to keep the budding kids curious and entertained at the same time, then try our inquisitive set of trivia questions for kids, which covers almost all the categories kids love to question.
Want to make your kids scratch their heads to find the answers? Then give them these tricky and fun trivia questions, to begin with.
1. 25 Questions
Kids can easily learn about the general knowledge with little fun and play mode.
2. Leaderboards
This quiz has it's own leaderboard in which players battle for first place which keeps kids engaging for more time and get knowledge.
3. My Scores
You can also see your previous scores.
Fun Trivia Questions For Kids
KIDS General Knowledge Quiz
Simple General Knowledge Quiz for Kids
General Knowledge Kids Quiz
general knowledge for school students
General knowledge questions for kids help in improving grades and getting smarter.
GK for School Students and Kids 2018
Simple general knowledge quizzes with questions, answers & facts for kids
general knowledge mcqs
general knowledge test for kids
knowledge trivia
test your knowledge
quiz game for kids