关于GNSS Survey+
In first part of screen you will see preview table with :
PRN, SNR, EL, AZ, FIX SAT per satellite
After that show Current Status (Location) :
Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, TimeToFirstFix, Used/SV_Total
See log file with name location_DATE/TIME.txt under the folder GNSSsurvey
For the end, in part GNSS SURVEY you will see :
Svid - Shows the identification number for the satellite at the specific index. This Svid is pseudo-random number for most constellations
TOSN - Shows the time offset at which the measurement was taken in nanoseconds.
State - Shows per-satellite sync state. It represents the current sync state for the associated satellite.
RTN - Shows the received GNSS satellite time, at the measurement time, in nanoseconds, per each satellite.
SvTimeUn - Shows the error estimate (1-sigma) for the received GNSS time, in nanoseconds.
Cn0DbHz - The value contains the measured C/N0 for the signal at the antenna input.
Pseudorange RMPS - The value is uncorrected, i.e. corrections for receiver and satellite clock frequency errors are not included.
A positive 'uncorrected' value indicates that the SV is moving away from the receiver.
The sign of the 'uncorrected' 'pseudorange rate' and its relation to the sign of 'doppler shift'.
Pseudorange RUMPS - Shows the pseudorange's rate uncertainty (1-Sigma) in m/s. The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
AcDltRS - Shows 'Accumulated Delta Range' state or there is a cycle slip.
AcDltRM - Shows the accumulated delta range since the last channel reset, in meters. A positive value indicates that the SV is moving away from the receiver.
AcDltUM - Shows the accumulated delta range's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in meters. The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
CarrierFrHz - Shows the carrier frequency of the tracked signal.
CarrierCycl - The number of full carrier cycles between the satellite and the receiver.
CarrierPhase - Shows the RF phase detected by the receiver.
CarrierPhaseU - Shows the carrier-phase's uncertainty (1-Sigma).
Multipathindicator - Shows a value indicating the 'multipath' state of the event.
SnrInDb - Shows the Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) in dB.
ConstellationType - Shows the constellation type.
See log file with name survey_DATE/TIME.txt under the folder GNSSsurvey