关于Go Carrom
Welcome to the best carrom game you have been waiting for. Great controls, awesome graphics, wicket fun!!
Single Player Practice Mode:
Start of Go Carrom by playing the single player Practice Mode. Learn all the rules and controls in this mode.
Play against AI opponent and learn the ways of the game before you hit the online modes.
Multiplayer Quick Play:
Quick Play searches for an opponent worldwide and sets you up with them. Quickplay offers you the standard rules match for now.
Multiplayer Play with friends:
Play with friends is the best option if you want to play with your friends. It offers you with variety of rooms and all the modes of matches. Just select a room, with a game mode, and invite your friend, using your google account, for a 1 on 1 match up.
Choose your striker:
Go Carrom offers you with variety of strikers. Choose the one that fits your the best. Make your statement loud and clear with custom strikers. More strikers coming soon.
Power ups:
Power ups are your best friends in the game. Use them to have an upper edge over your opponents. Use guideline length to see extended length of where your disk will go. Striker power makes you hit striker faster and lastly, additional time lets you have more time to decide your shots.
Level up the game:
With every match, gain experience points and level up to defeat higher level opponents. Each level up rewards you with gems as well.
Gorgeous Boards:
Experience the first ever carrom game that offers you the most beautiful boards to play on. Go Carrom boards are detailed, colorful and fun to play on.
If you have enjoyed playing 8ball Pool, you would definitely love this one as well. Be a part of the next generation of carrom gaming. With so many names for the game
Karambol, Dabboo, Karrom,Carrum, couronne, Carum, BMW, Karom, Karum, and finger billiards. Whether you call coins, carrom-men, or disk, they all are same in the world of Go Carrom.
Send us feedback and we will work on it to make your favorite carrom game more awesome!
Experience the Top Carom game with Real Life Clash settled in the game. Crush your enemies in the Free HD board simulator war.
+ Optimized the multiplayer. Now you will always find a player in multiplayer mode.
+ Added settings button to tweak the striker sensitivity.
+ Tweaked the iAP values.
+ Reduced the watch video limits for strikers.