关于Go Game
In this application you can play against computer in Go Game - probably the oldest board game invented in China.
Ths application has implemented AI algorithm called min-max. One can start playing against it by selecting board size and calculation depth (the depth of min-max tree). I hope some functionality will be added later and the algorithm will be improved.
What are the rules of game?
Go is strategy board game for two players, played on an e.g. 9×9 grid. One player has the dark pieces; the other has the light pieces. Players take turns placing pieces of their own color on a vacant point (intersection) of the grid. Black plays first. Vertically and horizontally adjacent stones of the same color form a chain that cannot subsequently be subdivided and, in effect, becomes a single larger stone. Only stones immediately connected to one another by the lines on the board create a chain; stones that are diagonally adjacent are not connected. Chains may be expanded by placing additional stones on adjacent intersections, and can be connected together by placing a stone on an intersection that is adjacent to two or more chains of the same color. A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that stone. Stones in a chain share their liberties. A chain of stones must have at least one liberty to remain on the board. When a chain is surrounded by opposing stones so that it has no liberties, it is captured and removed from the board. The goal of this game is to have the biggest territory covered with players stone.
To read more about the rules behind the game please refer wikipedia article:
The application is created as Trusted Web Activity (TWA) from PWA application written in Vue.js. To learn more about this technology you can refer to: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/using-twa
If you would like to contribute to development of the game, you can check out the source code here:
- main board view
- playing with min-max algorithm
- settings view
- fix wrong URL for TWA