关于Golf Rival Distance Calculator : Free Simulator
This playdemic golf android distance finder measures the distance to a prank target using the perspective of the camera with Télémètre Smart Distancegolf kin detector .
The effective distance is 10m-1km. It can be very useful for golfers to calculart distance betwean the ball & the goal hole, lso hunters and sailors help you to be Championnat de Golf.
istance Meter (Distance Meter) is a telemetry application that allows you to measure the approximate distance and height of an object. The camera-measurement tool is very practical and measures the distance thanks to the lens of the camera and the sensor of the camera.
You can measure the distance to the target object automatically by aiming, with the camera, the object's base, to measure the height of the object, aim at the top of the target object with the camera. The application works in direct view.
The distance measuring instrument uses the camera's lens height and tilt angle to calculate the distance to the object.
Use the rangefinder for quick measurement of distance and height.
Main Features :
-Camera autofocus
-Quick estimate of the distance of the object
- Quick estimate of the height of the object
- WGT ok Golf app topgolf
- Easy to learn arcade button style golf simulation.
- Supports photo sharing with measured distance or height
- Easy to read golf scorecard for all levels of players
-Lens height scrollbar and manual input
Use it as a golf range finder, hunting rangefinder, to check the distance of ball spacegame golf calculator ace , or to find the distance between two locations.
Distance Calculator Golf Days Excite Resort golf Free Calculates Average Speed, Current Speed, Total Time and other statistics
feature enables you to take screenshot of recent trip in sports real golf ball rival Mini Arcade Golf
online This screenshot can be shared with your friends on any social network
Distance calculator OK Golf, it's the FREE CCTV golf Calculators essence of golf, to discover on your phone or tablet with a big tee. Play anywhere, anytime, in minigolfking stunning diorama sets inspired by true golf destinations. Easy to take in hand, difficult to let go Golf Days & Excite Resort Tour Golf Craze, this is the perfect game for any age or handicap
Map golf Distance Professional Golf Calculator application allows you to measure distances on a map by two ways in Distance Mètre vistagolf .
Firstly user can place pins on map and measure distance between consecutive pins.
Secondly user can measure continuous path among points by camera scanner integreted in golf distance rival calculator.
Note : The accuracy of this application distance calculator depends strongly on the sensor of your device.