关于Green Valley
It gives us immense pleasure and a sense of pride to be a part of the noble mission - of imparting quality education to children from all sections of society without prejudice and without discrimination of any kind.
Green Valley Public School Shahganj - Jaunpur - a name that needs no introduction in the field of quality education, started a new chapter in the history of education in , which translate into easy access to better education for more and more children in and around Shahganj.
Our best wishes to all those working towards making quality education all pervasive for a better tomorrow.
Our mission
To recognize the potential in each child,
To facilitate a child's journey of self- exploration as an individual, a social being & a global citizen.
To encourage learning by doing and provide a balanced curriculum to ensure holistic development of a child- physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and intellectual.
To develop a spirit of inquisitiveness in our children.
To look beyond the horizon and seek a future for our children in the changing global scenario.