关于GSMtasks beta
Delivery & Task Management
GSMtasks is a system that will allow the company to manage its work more efficiently.
* Complete overview - Overview of all the tasks that need to be completed - visualized on a map with order of fullfilment.
* Realtime updates - Realtime updates to the states of the tasks - watch the daily tasks get completed in real time.
* Drag & drop management - Easy drag & drop management and assignment of tasks in the management or calendar view.
* Route optimizations - Once all the tasks have been entered the software optimizes the driving route of the car to minimize time spent and distance traveled.
* Driver’s mobile app - The mobile app will be with the driver all day and give him updates about the works that need to be completed.
* Digital documents - The documents are digitally attached to the tasks and the driver can review them on his application.
* Clients’ signatures - Once the task is completed it’s possible to have the client sign off on the work beeing completed.
* Complete analytics - Time spent driving, time spent loading/unloading. How much milage has been drived while on a task.
* Fixes bugs in software
* Adds background image uploads