关于Guide For Chrono Trigger
Hello everyone! Welcome to my very first walkthrough/FAQ. I decided to create
one for myself for many reasons, I want to prove that I can beat a game
efficiently, I also want to prove that I can create a good Walkthrough/FAQ,
and I also want to share to others what I have done and what have I seen so
far regarding the game. I hope I can create this Walkthrough/FAQ well so that
you won’t get lost in the game. Honestly, I prefer not to play a game from the
beginning to the end using a walkthrough. Just play the game and if you
somehow left yourself trapped or stuck in a particular place/event in the
game, use this guide to help you.
Let’s talk about the game itself. In my opinion, Chrono Trigger is the best
RPG ever to appear in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Console. It has
the best sound track of an RPG game in the SNES console. And the storyline of
the game is excellent. You’ll feel you’re a part of the game. Each character
has his/her own story, and time periods as well. The story might not be clear
at the beginning, but once you play through the game, you’ll see how good the
story square came up with for Chrono Trigger.
In the game, you’ll start off with Crono, a young boy from Truce Village.
You’ll wake up at his house. He will go to Leene’s Square to meet his friend
Lucca. When suddenly destiny calls upon him by receiving the pendant from a
girl named Marle. Thus, the adventures of Crono and his friends through time
begin. I won’t spoil the rest of the story for you so you’ll enjoy the game.
One last thing, if you find any error at all, wrong places, wrong
amount/item/equipments’ descriptions, grammatical errors, etc., please e-mail
it to me so I can repair it and post it at once. Thank you and enjoy playing
Chrono Trigger.
To experience the joy of the classic arcade, come familiar with and understand its story and the secret!
We follow-up will bring more classic arcade Guide (including Game Cheats and clearance techniques) to you, can not let the classic be forgotten, so stay tuned!