关于Guide Periscope Broadcast Live
Thank you for downloading guide for Periscope Broadcast live stream Application. Periscope lets you live stream broadcast video to the world. You can reply, private group, live stream hearts with other people via Periscope and also notification people to follow you on twitter network too live stream. Hope you enjoy this guide for Periscope chat apps et video calling app et tv live streaming tv live streaming .
Periscope explore and tour the world for live video.
See where activity and place, visit a new places , or meet people with Periscope centers of interest and share news - all in real time.
Use Periscope on
* Broadcast privately to specific subscribers or friends with periscope.
* Discover live video streaming around the world or search for broadcasts by location or topic.
* Did you miss a live video? No worries - watch the best parties with the reruns of the highlights.
* Instantly live chat videos on social networks.
* Periscope Broadcast privately to specific subscribers or friends with periscope.
Stream live videos and interact with people through hearts and comments.