关于Hack for watsapp ( PRANK )
will hack any whatsAppp account when the required information are entered correctly. It is prank application.
hack for watsapp (prank) will make fun with your friend when to show them that you can hack his/her What'sapp account.
You can enjoy with your friends with this prank app. its a real one for hacked the conversation hack. It will give you a prank and make your friends surprised. But its not working in real. Its just for Fun to make your friends and relatives surprise.
Make fun of your friends and family by telling them and warn them, that you are gonna break their What'sapp account by this application. Make fool of your friends in front of him.
There is some decoding process that takes place and finally the output is shown to you conversation.
how to use hack for watsapp ?
-> Open hack for whatsApp App
-> Enter victime number for hack whatsapp messages
-> Enter text to change his status
-> Enter your number to recieve information about his account
-> after 1h we will send process your request and send you his account information