- Added AccessPass posibilities
- Removed HaxiPay
- Upgraded to support newer Android versions
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Haxi 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Haxi 所有旧版本。下载 Haxi 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- Added AccessPass posibilities
- Removed HaxiPay
- Upgraded to support newer Android versions
Boost your driver status and get more rides!
Data shows that you only need 10 regular passengers to be a successful driver on Haxi. With the new Profile Ad Generator you will get there in no time! Set your driver status and Haxi will generate a free, epic and personalized ad that will make your business bloom. Share the ad directly on other platforms, such as Facebook ridesharing groups and Instagram.
We are launching HaxiPay!
Now you are able to share expenses with just a simple swipe. All you need to do is hook the app up with your credit or debit card and you are ready to use HaxiPay as either a driver or rider. This is totally secure and built on the best and safest systems available.
As all other features on Haxi, HaxiPay is completely optional and you can still use good ol’ cash to share expenses if that is your thing. Pretty cool, right?
So what are you wating for? Let’s Haxi!
Some minor improvements.
Under-the-hood improvements.
Our latest update is for all of you Riders who don’t see yourselves as being lazy but just on energy-saving mode. With the addition of our most lazy feature yet, requesting a Haxi has never been easier: Located under each shout is the new LAZY button. By clicking it Haxi will automatically generate a shout based on your exact location and current needs.
Also, we’ve made minor tweaks under the hood to enhance the overall Haxi experience for everybody.
Vrooom vrooom!
/Team Haxi
Our latest update is for all of you Riders who don’t see yourselves as being lazy but just on energy-saving mode. With the addition of our most lazy feature yet, requesting a Haxi has never been easier: Located under each shout is the new LAZY button. By clicking it Haxi will automatically generate a shout based on your exact location and current needs.
Also, we’ve made minor tweaks under the hood to enhance the overall Haxi experience for everybody.
Vrooom vrooom!
/Team Haxi
We’ve polished every aspect of the design and Haxi has never looked and worked better. Put in other words: THE APP IS FREAKIN’ AMAZING! Don’t just take our word for it – Take Haxi for a spin and let us know what you think in the reviews!
We’ve also added HAXI SUPPORT! Do you have any concerns regarding the app? Any good ideas for future improvements? Send us a private message and we'll get back to you asap. Team Haxi is here to lend you our ears.
We’ve been working really hard and are extremely excited to finally bring you this update.
This time we are adding PRIVATE MESSAGING! This enables you to discuss ride details directly with other Haxi users without anybody eavesdropping on your conversation.
Besides this awesome new feature, we’ve made loads of tweaks under the hood, added a neat pull to refresh function, and much much more. So what are you waiting for? Update & keep sharing!
/Team Haxi
It’s time for another update. Besides various design improvements we’ve added cool stuff to make Haxi just a bit better:
• Maps! Get a quick overview where your driver or rider is located in the comments section. Get instant directions by simply clicking on the map.
• Zoom! Click on a user profile or car picture to enter full screen mode and take a closer look at your friends beautiful face or have a better glance at his or her hot new spinners.
Thank you for your continued support!
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