关于HD Camera For Cannon
相机DSLR terbaik untuk智能手机安达layaknya佳能相机
hd camera for canon adalah aplikasi camera dslr terbaik yang di desain khusus untuk smartphone anda layaknya camera dslr sungguhan.
dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur menarik seperti halnya canon camera.
English :
is the best and special DSLR camera. Canon DSLR camera engine is also equipped with processor. This feature supports sharper photo quality. Coupled with the camera this camera more thumbs up. In addition Canon 6D is also able to take photos beruntun with a speed of 4.5 frames per second.
especially for those of you who like to take our picture of great and sophisticated camera cipakan in special design for your smartphone for your shoot quality like canon camera,
by sharing features of special features like the one in the original camera dslr canon ,,
Camera dslr canon of course this is a good output to make canon camera products can be enjoyed by new photo enthusiasts. With a fairly affordable price among other dslr canon camera products, and in addition to the features provided canon is already very feasible and in accordance with other canon cameras. But there is a saying saying, it does not matter what camera you use, but it is far more important who is behind the camera.
Designed for high-resolution photos and videos in HD quality is an excellent camera, making photos with different effects.
professional camera, ready with the highest level of attention to the satisfaction of users can take quality photos.
A professional Android phone camera and full-featured camera app and absolutely free for tablets.
Features :
- Automatic Mode / Auto Mode
- Portait Mode
- Extra Zoom Lens Camera
- Macro Mode
- Lanscape Mode
- Sport Mode
- Night mode
- Mode Selfie Camera
- Semi Automatic Mode
- Aperture Priority Mode (A or AV)
- Shutter Priority Mode (S or TV)
- Program Mode
- Depth Automatic Depth (Depth)
- Full Manual Mode / Manual Mode
- With full efect For those of you who like to take pictures, great and sophisticated camera in a special design for your smartphone for the quality of your photoshoot like canon camera,
- Otomatis Mode / Automatic Modes
- Portait Mode
- Macro Mode
- Lanscape Mode
- Sports Mode
- Night Mode
- Semi Automatic Mode
- Aperture Priority Mode (A atau AV)
- Shutter Priority Mode (S atau TV)
- Program Mode