关于HHS Staff
Hutchings High School & Junior College is a unit of the Bombay Regional Conference of the Methodist Church in India.
The History of Hutchings goes back more than 140 years to 1879 when the then 'Methodist High School' was formed as a unit of the Methodist Episcopal Church by Rev. William E. Robbins and Rev. William Taylor. The School started with 49 children in a rented house as co-educational in nature with boarding facilities. It was renamed "Taylor High School' in 1890.
Application Information:
School mobile app for staff has an exclusive mobile app designed for teachers/staff to make everyday classroom tasks like attendance, marks, assignments etc., simple for them. Achieve greater efficiency with our school teacher app. The mobile app for teachers enhances communication between teachers and parent in a modern and user-friendly way.
App Features
Login: Staff is required to the school mobile app by using their User Name or Password.
Stay Updated: School mobile app allows staff to stay updated regarding school events, parents-teachers meeting or individual details like punch, salary, leave etc., via staff app.
School Staff app features & benefits
Using this school mobile app, staff can upload class log, assignments, mark daily attendance or exam report of every individual student. Staff can also communicate with parents by sending individual notices or SMS using the mobile app for staff.
Attendance: Staff can update class & section wise daily attendance of every student using the teacher app and parents can access the information from parent mobile app.
Exam Marks: This application enables the staff to enter the marks or grades of students and the parents can access these grades from their mobile app.
Homework and Assignments: Using the school staff user-friendly app, staff can upload class work, homework and class assignments making it feasible for parents and students.
Time Table: Our app allows staff to check their timetable from wherever they are for that particular day or week.
Punch: Our app allows staff to check their check-in /check-out and break time report.
Leave: Staff can even apply and manage leaves using the school staff app. They can also check for the balance leave before applying for leave via an app.
Salary: Our school staff app allow a user to check monthly salary details like earning, deductions or download payslips.
Notice Board: Using school mobile app, staff can able to update notice board to the purpose of any announcement, events update, function information, holiday, invite parents for a meeting, etc.