APKPure 使用签名验证功能,确保为您提供无病毒的 Hiddify Next(预览) APK 下载。
💥 Better Url test issues, avoid multiple test, and change outbound on test.
💥 Support Xray core and Singbox
To use the Xray core, simply add the following to the end of your proxy link:
&core=xray or change vless, vmess, trojan to xvless, xvmess, xtrojan
⚙️ Support Split HTTP
⚙️ Added support for both IPv4 and IPv6 versions in the WireGuard protocol.
⚙️ Added a configuration editor:
You can now edit configurations within the app using the EDIT option.
⚙️ Added more modes to Warp: