关于Highway PH Church
Highway Pentecostal Holiness Church
Elgin, SC
When you download the Highway Church's free mobile app you're only a tap away from real-time connection with the church. From Prayer Request Voice Mail to a real-time Chat feature, this app keeps you up-to-date on all church events and news.
Also included in the app is an Events feature that links directly to your mobile calendar, allowing you to add events with just one click so you will never forget an important church event again.
You will also enjoy live streaming Christian radio 24/7.
You'll find money saving coupons from local Christian businesses listed in the Midlands Christian Business Directory.
The app is integrated with Facebook, Twitter and Google+ allowing you to easily share it with friends, family and neighbors!
More useful features include:
-Daily Devotional
-Online Bible
-Online Concordance
-Online Greek/Hebrew
-Online Reference Library
-Useful links and much, much more!