Have you ever wonder "How I Look in this...?" We have... many times... That's why we brought to you HILme Now!!
HILme Now is a new way to get Fast ratings from the fashion community around the world. When you upload a new style, outfit, hat, shoes, dress... anything you want... Our Fashionable community is constantly grading as Good, bad or pass...
We will show to the community only a percentage result. But you will be able to see how many rates you got and the percentage results also.
If you like one of our Hilme user style, you can HIL (Ask) her/him How You Look in a specific outfit or picture you Upload. If he/she respond a chat will be created...
The Features in Hilme Now:
Like, dislike or just pass. Those are your options every time you see a new outfit.
Share your outfits on Facebook, Instagram, twitter and more to get to the top of the trend list.
Connect with people, ask them to rate your outfits by an HIL request.
See your outfit stats in real time, and watch your way to be a trend in Hil.
See the latest fashion trend made by other users around you.
Tag your pic and look for more outfits using the smart tags.
Get fun, meet people, ride the fashion wave!
Happy Hils from The HILme Now Team.
Hilme LLC.