关于Hindi Grammar Quiz सामान्य हिन्दी MCQ
印地语语法测验| सामान्यहिन्दीMCQ |问题|学习资料,笔记
In this educational app we are going to share some most important questions of Hindi Grammar as well as Hindi sahitya. This app contains several types of multiple choice questions for practice and also we have served mock test for the same. We also provide study material related to Hindi subjects. These quiz i.e. MCQ gathered from various book, old papers, previous year exam which is very helpful for those candidates who want to prepare for various competitive exam like UPSC, PSC, SSC, MPPSC, MP PSC , CGPSC, CG PSC, Vyapam Exams, Samvida Shikshak, Patwari Exam, Bank Clerks, Bank P.O. , Railway Exam, SSC clerk , IBPS, MP Police Exam, Police Sub Inspector, CG PSC, UPSC, RPSC, BPSC, SBI Clerck, Teachers, Forest Guard, etc.
This app released in Hindi language. This MCQ covers various topics like
1.हिन्दी व्याकरण का इतिहास
2.हिन्दी भाषा व्याकरण
3.वर्ण विचार
4.शब्द विचार
5.संज्ञा और उसके भेद (Noun)
6.सर्वनाम (Pronouns)
7.विशेषण (Adjectives)
8.क्रिया (Verb)
9.क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb)
10.संबंध बोधक
11.समुच्चय बोधक
12.विस्मयादि बोधक
13.पुरुष (Plurals)
15.लिंग (Gender)
17.उपसर्ग (Prefix)
18.प्रत्यय (suffix)
19.संधि (Factors)
20.समास (The compound)
21.काल (Tense)
22.विलोम (Antonyms)
23.अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
24.मुहावरे और उनका प्रयोग
25.पर्यायवाची ( Synonyms)
26.लोकोक्ति (Proverbs)
27.रस (काव्य शास्त्र)
28.छंद के अंग
Hindi Grammar Quiz | सामान्य हिन्दी MCQ | सामान्य हिन्दी Questions | सामान्य हिन्दी Study Material, सामान्य हिन्दी Notes | Hindi Grammar MCQ | Hindi Grammar Questions | Hindi Grammar Study Material, Hindi Grammar Notes.
The Questions and Answers are collected from various Competitive Examinations. In this App, if you found any information that is owned by you or any content that violates your intellectual property rights, please email us at [email protected]