关于Home Remedies To Grow Thicker And Longer Eyelashes
Eyelashes play a vital role in protecting our eyes. They keep dust and other small debris away by stimulating the protective blink reflex when they sense a foreign object is too close to the eye.
But, let's admit it! We not only want to have eyes that are healthy and safe from debris; we want them beautiful! Why else would some women refuse to go out without eye make up and coats of mascara to make eyelashes appear thicker and longer. Some even put up with the high costs and hassles of getting eyelash extensions just to achieve a more dramatic look. There's no doubt that thick, long lashes make the eyes look more beautiful. Unfortunately, not all of us are born with them.
There are a few habits, though, that can include in your daily routine that are sure to help you grow thicker and longer eyelashes. Here are some of them:
1. Eat food that have high amounts of Vitamin C and biotin.
Did you know that eyelashes are 91% protein? If you include food rich in protein, most especially biotin (a protein that is essential in cell growth), in your diet, you will definitely notice longer and lush eyelashes.
Vitamin C, on the other hand, is a powerful immune-booster which helps promote circulation and form collagen. It is collagen that provides strength and structure for our hair, eyelashes included.
Citrus fruits and berries contain high amounts of Vitamin C, while soybeans, milk and poultry, and cooked egg yolks have high levels of biotin.
2. Apply an eyelash solution before bedtime.
Stress, exposure to harmful UV rays, and excessive use of mascara (especially waterproof ones) among many others contribute to the dullness and even loss of lashes. Eyelash treatments contain ingredients like Hyalunoric Acid and Vitamin A that promote the growth of eyelashes as well as improve those that look dull and brittle.
These eyelash treatments work best when you're asleep as it is known that cells regenerate better and faster at night. Simply apply an eyelash treatment (much like you would eyeliner) before going to bed each night, and you will notice longer and thicker eyelashes in just a few weeks.
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