关于Hot Videos
Hot Videos
Hot Videos App play videos and movies in HD quality. Video Player lets you to enjoy smoother, better
quality videos. Supports all type of popular video formats including MP4, AVI, FLV, WMV, RMVB, 3GP,
MKV, TS, MPG, M4V, MOV etc organize and play videos from your SD card and phone. Hot Videos APP
automatically finds all videos in your device quickly.
Hot Videos App is a professional video playback tool. It supports ALL video formats, 4K/ultra HD
video files, and plays them with high-definition. It is one of the best HD video for android
tablet and android phone. Hot Videos for Android App is the best video player in the market. Enjoy
high quality videos plays smoothly.
Watch Movie, Music, Videos, Watch TV Shows etc.
Cool and smart clearly voice and music along with HD Video Movie. HD Movie Clips, Video Clips,
HOT VIDEOS Supported Whole type of formats for play music or mp3 song.
This App is support for multi track audio and subtitles. We ensure that your file is played in the
original resolution, through the optimization of the encoding format file playback speed and
effectiveness to achieve the best results. It supports auto rotation, aspect ratio adjustments and
gestures to control volume, brightness and seeking.quick start and smooth and easy playback with
video resume.
Key Feature:
- Supports most of all popular video and audio file formats.
- Hot Videos Support Ultra HD and 4K Videos.
- Viewing Videos Folders Tab, List view and Grid view.
- Automatic search all mobile phone video and music files.
- Play videos easier, faster.
- Support alls popular video and audio format (MP4, AVI, FLV, WMV, RMVB, 3GP, MKV, TS, MPG, M4V,
MOV etc.
- Small memory, simple operation, quick start, smooth playback support.
- Support for all video and audio formats.
- Thumbnail display the contents of the video file.
- Delete files, rename, play pause operation.
- Easy to Control Volume, Video Resume, Brightness and Playing Progress.
- Play videos on Internet, faster and uses less mobile data.
- Support almost all video formats.
- Save History played and have bookmark favorite.