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On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers and proposals to the ICRERA 2013.
The purpose of the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) is to bring together researchers, engineers, manufacturers, practitioners and customers from all over the world to share and discuss advances and developments in renewable energy research and applications.
After the success of the first edition of the conference ICRERA 2012 in Nagasaki, this second ICRERA will continue promoting and disseminating knowledge concerning several topics and technologies related to renewable (green) energy sources. ICRERA aims to present important results to the international community of renewable energy fields in the form of research, development, applications, design and technology. It is therefore aimed at assisting researchers, scientists, manufacturers, companies, communities, agencies, associations and societies to keep abreast on new developments in their specialist fields and to unite in finding alternative energy solutions to current issues such as the greenhouse effect, sustainable and clean energy issues.
ICRERA has been co-sponsored by IEEE PELS and IAS. All the papers presented at ICRERA will be sent to IEEE Xplore for inclusion in the database after approving. Selected papers at the conference will be recommended to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Transaction on Industry Application for possible publications.