1、Server performance optimization, in preparation for the expansion update.
2、Fixing some in-game bugs.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 少女塔塔开 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 少女塔塔开 所有旧版本。下载 少女塔塔开 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
1、Server performance optimization, in preparation for the expansion update.
2、Fixing some in-game bugs.
1. Added Equipment Devouring feature.
2. Added Auto Reincarnation feature.
3. Added new Limit Break system with selectable levels of breakthrough.
4. Mainline experience adjusted to be obtainable by unlocking characters.
5. Added one-click deposit function to Wishing feature.
6. Optimized pet attack effects with corresponding elemental orbs (light, fire, ice, darkness).
7. Increased offline gold and pet experience pill production by 1x.
8. Significantly improved performance and optimization.
1. Added Equipment Devouring feature.
2. Added Auto Reincarnation feature.
3. Added new Limit Break system with selectable levels of breakthrough.
4. Mainline experience adjusted to be obtainable by unlocking characters.
5. Added one-click deposit function to Wishing feature.
6. Optimized pet attack effects with corresponding elemental orbs (light, fire, ice, darkness).
7. Increased offline gold and pet experience pill production by 1x.
8. Significantly improved performance and optimization.
1、Add new QTE appearance skills, which can be learned by using skill books in the character skill bonding screen
2、Add new character assistance skills, which can be upgraded with talent stones in the lineup screen
3、Add 4 new towers of ice, fire, light and darkness
4、Change the shop function
5、Greatly improve game content
1、Add new QTE appearance skills, which can be learned by using skill books in the character skill bonding screen
2、Add new character assistance skills, which can be upgraded with talent stones in the lineup screen
3、Add 4 new towers of ice, fire, light and darkness
4、Change the shop function
5、Greatly improve game content
1、Add new QTE appearance skills, which can be learned by using skill books in the character skill bonding screen
2、Add new character assistance skills, which can be upgraded with talent stones in the lineup screen
3、Add 4 new towers of ice, fire, light and darkness
4、Change the shop function
5、Greatly improve game content
1、Add new QTE appearance skills, which can be learned by using skill books in the character skill bonding screen
2、Add new character assistance skills, which can be upgraded with talent stones in the lineup screen
3、Add 4 new towers of ice, fire, light and darkness
4、Change the shop function
5、Greatly improve game content
1、Newly added character reincarnation function
2、Newly added ultimate loose equipment, which can be obtained for free through the reincarnation system
3、Newly added game acceleration to significantly increase the attack pace
4、Optimized the main line levels, adding multiple copies to the main line
5、Modified the attack CD for pets wearing the set to 1 second
6、Optimised the overall game flow
7、Replaced the game character voiceover
8、Fix known bugs
1、Newly added character reincarnation function
2、Newly added ultimate loose equipment, which can be obtained for free through the reincarnation system
3、Newly added game acceleration to significantly increase the attack pace
4、Optimized the main line levels, adding multiple copies to the main line
5、Modified the attack CD for pets wearing the set to 1 second
6、Optimised the overall game flow
7、Replaced the game character voiceover
8、Fix known bugs
1、Newly added character reincarnation function
2、Newly added ultimate loose equipment, which can be obtained for free through the reincarnation system
3、Newly added game acceleration to significantly increase the attack pace
4、Optimized the main line levels, adding multiple copies to the main line
5、Modified the attack CD for pets wearing the set to 1 second
6、Optimised the overall game flow
7、Replaced the game character voiceover
8、Fix known bugs
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