关于In Home Estimate
Moving Pro In-Home Estimate Tool is your one stop shop for everything needed to do on-site moving estimates quick and easily from within your customer’s home. This tool allows you to take a full list of all client inventory, and when finished, clients can review and electronically sign to confirm accuracy. From the field you will be able to share notes regarding the furniture condition, any special instructions for move day, and even take pictures of anything that needs to be documented.
Additional Features:
- Fully loaded cube sheet for estimating just about any type of household goods.
- Add pictures to the clients file to document anything special or out of the ordinary.
- Create custom items on the fly by adding your own details (Item Name, Weight, Volume)
- Easy route navigation using Apple Maps integration
- Client E-signature tool which allows you to verify all items with the client and confirm all information between the customer, movers, and your office.
We recommend to use the app on devices with at least 1080x1920px screen resolution and 2 GB RAM on Androids versions above 6.