关于Indian Constitution & Polity
भारतीय राजव्यवस्थावस्तुनिष्ठााााााााााााा
Are you searching for Indian Polity Quiz or notes based on current exam pattern then this will definitely helps you. Also,In this current scenario most of questions of polity based on Constitution of India / Bhartiya Samvidhan.
This app based on the exam such as- UPSC - IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS / SSC -CHSL, Stenographer / RAILWAY -NTPC,GROUP D/ BANK -SBI /IBPS ,State PSC-BPSC/ APPSC /JPSC/UPPSC/ MPSC/ RPSC , IT officer, Post office Exam, CDS, NDA, Banking & Insurance, RBI - Grade B Officer, Assistant, Insurance Exam , Civil Services etc...
Helps you for -
Preamble to Indian Constitution
Indian Politics, Governance, Indian Political System .
Original duty
Directive Principles
Fundamental Rights
Indian judicial system
Quiz on features of constitution
State legislature
Proceedings of the State Legislature
Special provisions related to specific classes
Official languages in India
Central Information Commission
Constitutional and non-constitutional bodies in India
National Human Rights Commission
National Development Council
NITI Aayog based MCQ
Attorney General of India
Jammu Kashmir state
National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Union Public Service Commission
State public service commission
Election Commission
Union Territories of India
India and its states
Union State Relations in India
Panchayati Raj System
Special state status to Jammu and Kashmir
Supreme Court of India
Quiz on high court
Parliamentary Committees in India
Constitutional amendment
Parliamentary system
Union Council of Ministers
Vice President
CM and Governor
Quiz on emergency provisions
Center-State Relations
public service Commission
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
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Indian Constitution MCQ,
Objective type quiz, Minor fix