关于Indietests - Developer beta testing community.(Unreleased)
Add your apps, define your tests from the site https://www.indietests.com/.
This is a tool to manage all the community testing.
With this app you will be able to:
- Earn points testing apps that you can use to get your app tested by others.
- Receive push notifications when your app has been tested.
- Check your tests and evidence.
- Rate tests.
- Reply wrong ratings.
- Stop or resume your tests process.
- Check your lasts tests made by you.
If you want to define your own tests visit https://www.indietests.com/
Why Indietests?
If you are an indie developer surely you don't have money for a testing team or for buying multiple devices, probably you asked friends for help and they did on bad mood.
Why not working as a team? Other developers from other countries can test your app, make comments, different points of view while you help them too.
Indietests is that community, we manages apps, tests, times and handle bad practices for making this a fare game.