关于Instant Dictionary & Thesaurus
Instant Dictionary &Thesaurus helps you to get word definitions easily and quickly.
Simply hold and select the word you wish to look up, share it with Instant Dictionary &Thesaurus. A small notification popup will show definitions for the word! It's that simple!
Instant Dictionary &Thesaurus uses WordNet large lexical database of English to provide comprehensive information about words.
Popup window size can be customized as well as displayed text size.
Word's definition can be shared to another apps or can be read aloud to you by system text-to-speech engine.
Last updated on 2016年05月18日
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!
Instant Dictionary & Thesaurus历史版本
Instant Dictionary & Thesaurus 1.0
11.9 MB2016年05月18日