关于Insure Ally
Insure Ally leverages the mobility and capabilities of your smart phone to assist you in creating or recreating a detailed home inventory. Insure Ally is photo based and uses voice to text input to quickly document the location, category, and value of your belongings.
If you're proactive you can include detailed photos, warranty, and appraisals as part of your inventory. Summarizing the value by category allows you to right size your insurance policy to avoid excessive charges. More importantly, it assists you in avoiding the unpleasant discovery that you were under insured in categories that may have extremely low policy limits and exclusions such as electronics, sporting goods, tools, jewelry and watches.
If you've suffered a loss and are attempting to recreate your home inventory as part of filing your insurance claims, Insure Ally assists you as well. Itemize your belongings from pictures and documents that you have recovered to present a complete and organized claim to your insurance company.
Version 2.0 adds features to simplify asset valuation and agent communication.