Get ready for a confident job interview in the company of your most trusted buddies, with our free award-winning app, InterviewReady
Use the language guides in Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil and Urdu for a smooth journey.
Improve and practice your English language skills with our powerful mix of lessons and games. Use our world of information, knowledge and inspiration to prepare for a corporate career.
Build an industry standard resume using our resume-builder and start applying for jobs.
InterviewReady is the winner of:
• Gold – Stevie Award 2016, Professional Education Category
• Gold – Brandon Hall 2015, Best Use of Mobile Learning
- Vernacular guides in 14 Indian and international languages.
- Study Buddy-Groups for learning together.
- Study Bag containing all preparation material.
- Knowledge of 20+ business domains in IT IS and BPS, familiarisation with industry jargon.
- Daily digest of videos, articles, posters and brain teasers.
- Practical, scenario based English lessons in only 8 modules.
- Sample sentences for you to read, record and replay and track your improvement.
- 3 levels of exciting games to play and get InterviewReady.
- Easy to use resume-builder to build a world class resume.
InterviewReady is awesome and it’s free. So what are you waiting for, download right now and get interview ready!
Write to us at [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InterviewReady
Twitter: Interviewready_
Instagram: Interviewready
Important Note Regarding Permissions
Please note that the InterviewReady app requires access to the following Android permissions to operate properly:
* RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - This permission is used to check if the Android device has booted or not. InterviewReady can then perform initialisation of the local notifications.
* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This permission is used to create the folder required by the app on your storage device.
* READ_CONTACTS - This permission is used to invite your friends to play English activity games.
* READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This permission is used to read the contents of the folder created by the app on your storage device.
* GET_ACCOUNTS - This permission is used to retrieve your Facebook and Google accounts when registering or when using a social media login.
* RECORD_AUDIO - This permission is used to record and playback audio in the English lessons section.
* READ_PHONE_STATE - This permission is used to pause audio recording or playback when a phone call is received or made.
* VIBRATE - This permission is used when a new notification is received or when a wrong answer is submitted in the English activity games.
* USE_CREDENTIALS - This permission is used to connect to your Google account.
* INTERNET - This permission is used to retrieve latest posts on the home noticeboard, used for group activities and upload your resume for sending to your email ID.
* ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - This permission is used to check if your device is connected to Wifi or mobile data so that embedded videos can play smoothly.
Minimum Specs:
Min OS 4.4, 320x480 Screen Resolution.
Tablet users may find UI variance. Display of regional languages may vary based on your device's built-in language support.
© 2018 Tata Consultancy Services. All rights reserved.
InterviewReady™ is a registered trademark of Tata Consultancy Services Limited.