关于iPhone Calculator - iOS 15
适用于 iOS 15 的 iPhone 计算器,适用于 Android 手机
iPhone Calculator for your Android Phone!
Have you recently switched from an iPhone to an android device, and missed the experience of the iPhone's calculator with advanced features?
This calculator features the modern design of the iOS 15 calculator that will give you an amazing calculating experience with advanced calculation features.
This calculator provides all scientific functions such as: root, power, factorial, exponential, divisions, and logarithm are supported. Including trigonometric functions like sin, cos, arcsin, arches, tangent, and more.
• All functions like the original iOS calculator app
• The same User Interface as the iOS calculator app
• Four-Function standard calculator in portrait mode
• Scientific calculator in landscape mode
• 30+ advanced calculations found on the iOS calculator
• Switch between Degrees and Radians calculations
• Real Sound© iPhone button clicking sound
• iOS Calculation Features:
○ Addition/Subtraction
○ Multiplication/Division
○ Percentages/Decimals
○ Negative numbers
• Advanced Calculation Features:
Random Number Generator
○ Logarithms
○ Exponents
○ Squaring/Cubing
○ Square/Cube Rooting
○ π / e values
○ Trigonometric Functions:
◘ sin(x)
◘ cos(x)
◘ tan(x)
◘ arcsin
◘ arccos
◘ arctan