iPostcode displays a list of the closest postcodes to your current location using your GPS-enabled Android device and is updated in real-time as your location changes.
Full Postal Codes are displayed, for example LS16 5PQ, and not just the Sector or District like some other apps.
Uses include: telling friends and family where you are so they can find you with their in-car sat nav, having takeaway food delivered to you when you're away from home and not sure of your postcode, identifying your location if you see a house for sale so you can search for it more easily when you get home, or even in emergencies or other situations where you need to alert someone to your location via a postcode.
Postcodes are ranked in terms of proximity to your location, with an immediately visible accuracy indicator of either a green, orange or red background. Selecting a postcode takes you to a map showing the postcodes location and your location.
The data used in this application contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012. Code-Point Open contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2012.
- updates to mapping for a more reliable experience
- other bug fixes
Changes made to Version 1.2
- change to map display when showing postcodes very close to your location
Changes made to Version 1.1
- better table scrolling
- fix to map view