Mp3Nohay is a premium Noha app with latest and greatest on-demand nohay for you to download & Listen.
• Latest Pakistani Urdu, Hindi, Irani, Arabic, Turkish, Afghan, Pashto, English, Pubjabi , Sindhi & Saraiki Nohay 24/7.
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• Huge collection of Video Noha.
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Categories :
1. Pakistani Nohay
2. Indian Nohay
3. irani Noha
4. Afghan Noha
5. Arabic Noha
6. Turkish Noha
7. English Noha
8. Pashto Noha
9. Farsi Noha
10. Punjabi Nohay
11. Saraiki Nohay
12. Sindhi Nohay
13. Gilgiti / Baltistani Nohay
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