Jallikattu app is created to voice the support for the traditioal event. "Jallikattu" - is a bulltaming tradition played in tamil nadu as a part of pongal celebration. This is one of the oldest living ancient sportseen in the modern era. It is held in the villages of tamil nadu as a part of the pongal festival. The festivals are held from january to july, every year. Jallikattu will enable to preserve the native cattle breeds from extinction and already one of the beautiful cattle breed Alambadi is now officially extinct.
JALLIKATTU is only the 4000 year old tradition followed by Tamils with Valour and great respect all over Tamilnadu.
JALLIKATTU is an Ancient Rituals of Tamilnadu which is recorded in all forms by means of poems and also in ancient literature dated 2000 BC .It is also depicted as Stone Carvings in various places and also is seen on olden coins used by the Kings.
Tamil Language has Grammer which is nearly 4000 year's old that is a rich heritage that none of the languages in the world has as of now.
Farmers are using the Bulls for their farming Activity as well as for rearing cows for producing Milk.The Milk obtained from this breed of Bulls is of A2 Variety which is very very healthy for persons consuming it.
Farmers highly depend on this for their development as well as beveloping their farms using the manure obtained from the Bulls and cows this leads to a highly clean ECOSYSTEM.
JalliKattu is performed to maintain the quality of Breed and to keep intact all the natural breeds alive to maintain a sustainable ecosystem for the world to flourish.