关于Jibore Foundation
Jibore impeccable foundation RC 111969 is committed to making life better for the people with disability and the society at large. The founder Mrs Joy Bolarin is a woman living with disability and unstoppable spirit. She is an educationists and a kind hearted philanthropist devoted to the cause of making life better for all.
Jibore impeccable foundation is an avenue where she champion the cause of people with disability and expose their plight to the society as to raise helping hands and give them comfortable life. Jibore foundation believes in equal opportunity for people with disability without any stigmatization because disability is not inability.
Therefore, the foundation decided to show case various works of disabled people in order that they can be patronized.
The needs and plight of people with disability is also presented to the society by the association so that the public can assist them. Success isn’t about how much money you make, it is about the positive difference you make in people’s lives.
Due to the desire of the foundation to make life comfortable for all, she organize amazing non referral food program meant to put smiles on the faces of thousands of people in the society by providing surplus food and cash. if you have abundant food you can subscribe to the package to help the less privileged around you.
check Jibore Foodlink for more information on the food program.
She has won several awards due to her sincerity of purpose.
Our Vision:
To be an internationally recognized organization providing solutions to problems facing people with disability in Nigeria and supporting their productive activities.
Our Mission:
To consistently offer assistance to disabled and less privilege individuals in Nigeria.
Our Core Value:
To educate and sensitize people with disability that disability is not liability
To create awareness to the members of the society on prevention and proper orientation to stop discrimination against people with disability and give them equal opportunity
Committed to making life better for the people living with disability…
Donate To Jibore Impeccable Foundation To Support People Living With Disability And Empower The Less Privileged.