关于Judgement-Whist : free card game
Judgement is trick based free card game. aka (Contract Whist, OH Hell, Kachuful)
Judgement (Contract Whist) is a trick-taking card game in which the objective is to take exactly the number of tricks bid.It differs from other trick-taking games (like callbreak, contract bridge and spades), in this game players has to made fixed number of hands. It judges you ability to make judgement.
This game is also known as Oh Hell,Contract Whist, Kachuful, Pooch,Cut-throat Bridge etc. This Game is variation of popular card games like callbreak, spades, ghochi.
1. Deal : Each player becomes the dealer one by one. in first round each player will get 13 cards, in subsequent rounds cards for player keep decreasing by 1.
2. Trump : In Each Round trump is chosen randomly.
3. Bidding : After dealing, each player make a call - which is a number of hands he/she thinks will going to capture.
4. Game Play : In each hand the first player can throw any card. Every subsequent player must play same suit if he/she has it else he/she can play trump or any other card. The winner of a hand will start the next hand.
5. Points : After each round if a player captured exactly the number of call he/she made, then that player will get number of hands +5 bonus point else player will get 0 points.
6. End : At the end of 13 rounds, player with highest total points will win the game.
Leaderboard to compete against players world wide.
Smooth animations
Nice user interface
Easy to use
Challenging and addictive gameplay
If you love callbreak then you will definetly love this game too.
Read more about this game at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Hell
Sitback relax and enjoy this amazing card game.