- Create clients directly from the appointment booking screen
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Jupiter 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Jupiter 所有旧版本。下载 Jupiter 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- Create clients directly from the appointment booking screen
New features:
- Refer your friends to Jupiter for a $15 gift card
Check your email for a full list of new changes, improvements, and bug fixes.
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
New features:
- Forms can now be duplicated in the swipe right menu
- Forms settings has been moved to the swipe right menu
- Deleting forms or services is no longer that easy: you can find the new delete buttons in their edit menus
- All forms are now published and available for use by default, so no more need to turn them on/off.
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
New features:
- Images can be added to forms to draw on for face charting and mapping
- Form templates are now available for eyelash technicians and general purpose use
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
Bug fixes:
- Agenda screen now displaying only appointments from the present day and onwards
- Double-tapping on a close button will no longer redirect you
- Creating a client file no longer crashes the app
- Signatures are now appearing properly on form review
- 'Optimized slots' booking option will offer only the next and previous slots to further prevent clients from creating gaps in your schedule
Please feel free to send any questions to [email protected].
Bug fixes:
- Clients can now apply gift cards to full balances
- Credit card signatures during client booking is now enabled
- 'Restore subscription' with the Apple store now works seamlessly
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
Bug fixes:
- Account set-up will no longer crash the app
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
Bug fixes:
- Subscription purchase screens will no longer flash in blue when loading
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
- Adding client notes is now smoother
- Spacing has been improved on notched devices to improve screen visibility
Bug fixes:
- When being assessment from the client files, updating appointments will no longer be unavailable
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
New features:
- Checkout will now accept custom tips of any amount
- Display your phone number on your website and appointment booking emails in settings
- Toggle your category or add-on lists to collapse or expand by default when your clients load your website for new booking
Check your email for a full list of new changes, improvements, and bug fixes.
Thanks for using Jupiter and please feel free to send any questions and suggestions direct to our dev team: [email protected].
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