关于K.A.T.H.I. Doctors
Doctors get free premium to scan their patients QR Code for life!
For more information and to register, please visit https://kathi.smkapps.com.
K.A.T.H.I. is a software and hardware bundle that can tell the doctors, paramedics and hospital emergency personnel the patients current health condition, treatment and emergency contact information. K.A.T.H.I. also sends out e – mails and SMS’s to your emergency contacts when scanned with the K.A.T.H.I. Paramedics mobile / tablet app. And K.A.T.H.I. Hospital can share the emergency information with the hospital’s ER when scanned with K.A.T.H.I Paramedics, so they can be prepared when the ER patient comes in, and it also gives them ER statistics and insurance information.
*For anyone with a chronic disease, Alzheimer, mental disease, kids, or anyone that can be unconscious in an accident.
*Don’t be afraid to travel. Doctors now will be able to scan your QrCode and see your health information. They will be able to make better decisions depending on your profile information.
*Paramedics will be able to act more quickly to the current emergency, by taking a look to your profile, they will know about your current health, allergies and treatment and will be able to tend to you more efficiently, even if you are unconscious. The app will also send notifications to your emergency contacts instantly.
*Emergency personnel will be able to see your current health information and, when equipped with K.A.T.H.I. Hospital, they will be able to for see what you will need in your current emergency.
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