关于Kamalamai Municipality
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Sindhuli District, which contributed the nation to save its souvenirty and nationality in history, has substantial potential of development and a richer district in natural resources and bio-diversity in nature . It has 1 municipality and 53 VDCs to deliver the services to citizens thru’ local body. The single municipality in the district , named as Kamalamai, having total area of 20512 Hactare, was declared in 2053 BS, by conglomerating erstwhile 2 VDCs, Siddheshwor ( erstwhile District Headquarter) and Bhiman with integrating its geology and population.
It was nomenclatured on the basis of goddess Kamalamai, situated in origination of Kamala, one of acclaimed river of Nepal have Ranichuri, Ranibas, Bhimsthan & Belghari in East, Dandi Gurase & Bhadrakali in West, Ratanchura and Bhadrakali in North and Sarlahi, Mahottari and Dhanusa Districts in South frontiers. Kamalamai Municipality, having average length of 33 km and Width of 7 km is exactly situated in between 850 Eastern longitude & 270 10’ Northen Lattitude, and 400 m msl as well. It is said 2nd Cherapunji of Nepal in the context of Precipitation, where average 2788 mm downpour annually