关于Kannada-Hindi Keyboard
来 Google Play 网购吧!购买内容之后,立刻就可以在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上享用,摆脱一切同步烦恼。
Just type your messages, memos and notes in your Indian languages using this IME. Currently you can select either kannada or devanagari (marathi/hindi). Switch over to numbers, symbols or English in between.
Make sure that your phone has kannada or hindi font.If you can read this
ಸಿರಿಗನ್ನಡಂ ಗೆಲ್ಗೆ
you do have kannada font. If instead you see boxes, you root your phone and then install any kannada font file.
(Many phones sold in India already support hindi font. )
The keyboard has only two screens and hence easy to navigate. Supports both portrait and landscape views.
Refer website for the method to install kannada/hindi font
For transliteration and prediction features and hardware keyboard support, please download my Akshara IME