关于Kappboom Cool 4K Wallpaper
Kappboom Cool 4K超酷和催眠壁纸
Kappboom Cool 4K Wallpapers offers the Best Wallpapers with more than 200,000 beautiful and cool wallpapers at your fingertips! This wallpaper is curated carefully and is waiting to be selected as your wallpaper. Download NOW for FREE!
Our application is optimized for memory, smooth and fast. Here at Kappboom we work hard day and night to bring you the Best Wallpaper. Our attentive and dedicated staff ensure that our content is the best. Our developers work around the clock to continuously improve our applications, and to stay the best!
Extraordinary Features in Kappboom Cool 4K Wallpapers:
• NEW: Android Wear is now supported! Send any wallpaper to your watch by tapping the watch icon in full screen mode. You now have a wallpaper watch!
• Filtering categories like Anime, Cars, Games, Movies, Music and more.
• Search by Color Wallpapers and Tags.
• Set Wallpaper inside the application.
• Share cool pictures via Facebook, Twitter, Email and other social networks.
• Intuitive and Fast Navigation through a beautiful gallery of cool wallpapers.
• Live Wallpaper.
• Quickly add favorites to your list so you can review candidates who are worthy of the wallpaper.
• Gallery wallpapers can be ordered based on popularity or the latest additions.
New wallpapers are added every minute to keep you entertained and fill your photo library with the coolest wallpapers!
Our application has this Photo Category available on 06/12/2019. Updated frequently and more will be added over time:
Love, Baby, Space, Funny, Food & Drink, Landscape, Holidays, Graffiti, Patterns, Animals, Cars, Music, Anime, Fantasy, 3D, Quotes, Plants, Abstract, Art, Funny, Sports, Halloween, Cartoons, Technology , Logos, Games, Movies, Celebrities, Comics, Cats, Dogs, Antique, Beach