Karunya School of Business Leadership and Management (KSBLM) offers MBA, MPhil and PhD courses in Management and envisions "true to its name Karunya which means 'Compassion', Karunya University shall be a University with a social concern which will address the problems of humanity through teaching, research and extension in socially relevant areas.The students and faculty of Karunya University will be imbibed with spiritual discernment and a zeal to serve humanity and to eventually become leaders of society. Also keeps a mission to raise undergraduate and post graduate students and research scholars to serve humanity by attaining high levels of academic excellence, professional competence, exemplary values and spiritual empowerment. To find solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through scientific, social and technological research as well as policy formulation. The major areas of education are Managment sciences. The pedagogy is very innovative and involves analytical methodology.Karunya School of Business Leadership and Management is a pioneer institution of Management which provides industry oriented MBA course that caters to the need of corporate and moulds the students into professionals who can take up challenges of real corporate environment. Karunya School of Business Leadership and Management has a world class infrastructure which includes :-
Library with 40,000 books
Computer centre with Pentium based workstations
Auditorium with a seating capacity of 300 people
Wi-Fi connectivity
Hostel facilities