This app will keep you awake by making you move the phone upon the desired seconds, once you choose the seconds, depending on how sleepy you are. You press the start button, when it reaches the time it will vibrate, and then it starts all over again, until you stop the app. Make sure you have your media volume off if you start the app during a meeting as the app has an ad right in the beginning to help with the cost of my website. If you fall asleep during a meeting you will likely get in trouble and this app has helped me stay awake during very long boring meetings that's why I built it and decided to share it. I just put the phone in my pocket and tap my foot. You could also tap the back of the phone lightly. There is a sensitivity setting so you can test that and see what setting works best for you and your situation. I hope this app works as well for you as it has for me. You can also use this app to help you stop being a couch potato. I set the app for 30 minutes (1800 seconds) put the phone on my coffee table and then whenever it vibrates I get up and do work. I have also used it for working out, set the timer set it down, and when it vibrates get up and do 10 pushups. If you like this app and it’s helped you out please give it a good rating, or donate.