关于Kili Josiyam - Parrot Astrology Future prediction
Parrot Astrology (Kili Josiyam) which is most famous in Tamilnadu (INDIA), is very useful to predict your Future. This Kili Josiyam will find your Rashi (Horoscope Sign), Lucky Number with your favorite God. Based on Tamil astrology, panchangam, Agathiyar astrology and Agathiyar Arudam, the parrot can tell you the most accurate prediction for your Future.
This is the First Kili Josiyam App to tell about even your RASHI (Rasi).
How To Use the App:
* Enter Your Full Name
* Enter Your Date Of Birth
* Then Parrot will pick you a card
* Card will have Your name, Rasi, Lucky Number, god picture and palan for you.
You can predict your future based on the card picked.
Soon we will add Kili Josiyam in Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Bengali. Now parrot astrology in Tamil and English language added.
Parrot Fortune Teller / parrot reading cards is always true as per hindi mythology and now a days Christians and Muslims started to believe Parrot car reader
parrot astrology calculator, parrot astrology for love, job, health, wealth etc in Tamil & English computer josiyam.
Kili Jothidam / jyotish - Parrot tarot card reading. This is different from tamil jathagam or
Finds Rasi (Horoscope Sign) & Lucky Number
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