如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 KingsChat 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 KingsChat 所有旧版本。下载 KingsChat 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- v10.8.5(17436502)XAPKAPKs下载2025年03月16日23.1 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.5版本更新
- v10.8.4(17436500)XAPKAPKs下载2025年02月27日31.5 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.4版本更新
[Improved unread messages counter] It’s synchronized between all platforms - Web, Android and iOS.
[App performance improvements] We introduced significant product performance improvements that lead to a 31-58% faster app launch time.
[Removing group admin] You can grant and take away admin access to people and they can continuously stay in a group as its participants. - v10.8.3(17436497)XAPKAPKs下载2025年02月12日30.3 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.3版本更新
- [Transfer of group ownership] You can now pass the role of the group owner to another person.
- [Swipe to reply] You can now open Reply mode on any message by simply swiping it.
- [Filtering Chats list] You can now switch between the view of All your chats, Direct ones and Groups.
- [Unread messages counter colours] You can see the red counter near your active conversations or grey counter next to the muted chats.
- [Keyboard opens automatically on edit and reply] - v10.8.2(17436495)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月29日30.3 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.2版本更新
[Restricted KingsChat usage warning] If you restrict data or battery usage for KingsChat, you will now see “Background usage restricted” info banner, so you know that app functionality is limited, notifications might not arrive and incoming calls might not appear on the screen.
[No possibility to save Stories] Due to compliance reasons, we removed “Save” button which allowed to save photo or video in phone’s gallery during Story adding process. - v10.8.1.1(17436489)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月15日30.2 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.1.1版本更新
[File sending date in Media Folder] You can now see the exact day, month and year when the file was sent on KingsChat.
[Proximity sensor no longer interferes Call notification] When you received incoming call notification and put your finger too close to the proximity sensor (near the phone’s camera), the phone screen won't go black.
[Profile changes visible instantly] When you edit your profile (username, name, bio, birthday and more), you can see all updates immediately. - v10.8.0(17436485)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月01日51.5 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.8.0版本更新
[Stories notifications] You can now choose if you want to receive pushes when your friend added a story.
[Reactions in search] If you use Search to find and open a message, you can add reaction to this message.
[Calls] When you answer a call and deny granting permissions to mic and camera, KingsChat will no longer ask you for these permissions in a loop.
[Calls] Now you know if someone have seen your call, as you'll see “User unreachable” information in case they had no internet connection. - v10.7.10(17436483)XAPKAPKs下载2024年12月13日51.5 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.7.10版本更新
[More information in forwarded Reply message] You can now see the author and date of the Reply message when you forward it to another chat.
[Scrolling to the newest message in opened chat] Before the fix, when you were scrolled up a bit in chat and started sending new messages, chat did not scroll you to the bottom. Now it’s fixed, so the chat automatically scrolls to the bottom to show you what message you just sent. - v10.7.9.1(17436479)XAPKAPKs下载2024年11月26日25.9 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.7.9.1版本更新
[Editing & replying while rotating the screen] You can now still edit and reply to a message while rotating the position of your phone.
[No crash when there’s a mistake in @mention] Now app will not crash when you try to see the message that contains @mention of the username that do not exist.
[No crash when opening a link without browser installed] Now app will not crash when you try to open a link in Chat, and you don't have any browser installed on your phone. - v10.7.9(17436478)XAPKAPKs下载2024年11月21日25.9 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.7.9版本更新
[Editing & replying while rotating the screen] You can now still edit and reply to a message while rotating the position of your phone.
[No crash when there’s a mistake in @mention] Now app will not crash when you try to see the message that contains @mention of the username that do not exist.
[No crash when opening a link without browser installed] Now app will not crash when you try to open a link in Chat, and you don't have any browser installed on your phone. - v10.7.8(17436476)XAPKAPKs下载2024年11月13日25.9 MBAndroid 6.0+v10.7.8版本更新
[Inaccurate message “Seen” status fixed] Just “Sent” messages are displayed correctly, so no message will be marked as "Seen" until it really is.
[Counter of all unread messages improved] Before, the number of all unread messages displayed at the bottom of “Chat” tab was summing up Muted and unmuted chats. You can now see this number for unmuted chats only.
[Displaying images sent from Web fixed] Now instead of empty space in your chat, you can see the actual images sent from KingsChat Web.
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