Kinsmap is now free for everyone, including all premium features.
Other changes:
* The newest Android devices are now supported
* File storage on dropbox and gedstore are dropped
* In-app purchase is gone
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Kinsmap 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Kinsmap 所有旧版本。下载 Kinsmap 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Kinsmap is now free for everyone, including all premium features.
Other changes:
* The newest Android devices are now supported
* File storage on dropbox and gedstore are dropped
* In-app purchase is gone
* Fixed problem reading files with a special file format: UTF-16(LE) bug / unicode.
* Fixed problem with missing space before surname. Please reload your GEDCOM file for fix to take effect.
* Fixed opening of GEDCOM files for older Android versions (pre KITKAT / pre Android 19)
* Important notice:
The Gedstore feature is now deprecated. It is too costly to maintain and not very much in use.You can still use it for existing family trees, but it will be removed later this year.
* Added parsing of position data (latitude/longitude) for all events in GEDCOM file
* Fixed loading of network photos on Android 8/9
* Please reload GEDCOM files in case you are missing photos or position information
- Fixed photos for example family tree. Please reload to see the photos.
- Fixed issue with GEDSTORE creating multiple folders. Will now use the first created folder only. Empty duplicates will be trashed.
* Fixed "select account" pop-up related to Gedstore.
* Recent change to photo import function was not reliable, going back to previous solution.
If you like this app, please spend a minute to write a nice review or to give it a 5-star rating in Google Play. It would be very helpful to us. Thanks!
* Fixed broken upgrade path (new installs should have dimmed charts for family trees above 250 persons).
* Added storage icons for Dropbox, Google drive and Gedstore.
* Bug fixes.
Previous major update v3.01:
* Introducing Gedstore, your Gedcom archive for Kinsmap.
* Improved support for loading photos, you can now select individual photos, and also from cloud storage.
* User interface simplification.
* Workaround for MyHeritage line 20 bug.
* Check the updated user guide on https://kinsmap.com
* Introducing Gedstore : Keep your GEDCOM files on Google Drive, ready for Kinsmap, and allowing direct access to the archive from all your devices.
* Improved support for loading photos, you can now select individual photos, and also from cloud storage, including Google drive.
* User interface simplification.
* Workaround for MyHeritage line 20 bug.
* Check the updated user guide on https://kinsmap.com
Fixed problem with special characters showing up as questions marks for ANSI coded GEDCOM files.
Please reload your GEDCOM file if you see this problem with your already loaded trees.
- Usability improvements, replacing "project" with "family tree"
- The former premium functions are now available for all new installations. Instead there is now a tree size limit in the free version. Existing installations are not affected by this change.
- Introduction of Islandic language version, thanks to Gunnar Gudlaugsson
- Bug fixes
- French version introduction
- Indonesian version update
- Bug fixes
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