- Small bug fixes
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper 所有旧版本。下载 Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- Small bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added new direction (Right and Left, at the same time)
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
* Performance improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
* Updated with the latest Google Play policy
* Animation improvements
* Bug fixes
* Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
* Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
* General bug fixes
* Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
* added Ultra Slow option
* added Down and Multi Direction option
* new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
*Bug fixes in some Galaxy S6 smartphones
*Performance improvements
*Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
*Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
*General bug fixes
*Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
*added Ultra Slow option
*added Down and Multi Direction option
*new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
version 1.1.5
-Added 'No Movement' speed option (wipe any kitty you want and another colored kitty will show up in different parts of the screen)
-Bug fixes in some Galaxy S4 Mini smartphones
-General bug fixes
version 1.1.4
*performance improvement
*small bug fixes
version 1.1.2
*Kitty Cute Live Wallpaper does not require any special permissions
*added Ultra Slow option
*added Down and Multi Direction option
version 1.1.0
*new yellow background theme (more background themes are coming soon)
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