Build up four stacks of cards starting with Ace and ending with King on the foundations.
2 decks:
+ Right top pile
+ Click to turn card
4 foundations:
+ Top left piles, the aimed cards place.
+ Only aces may be moved to an empty foundation
+ Once a card is moved on a foundation, it can't be removed.
7 columns cards:
+ Every face-up card in a partial pile, or a complete pile, can be moved, as a unit, to another tableau pile on the basis of their highest card.
+ Any empty piles can be filled with a King, or a pile of cards with a King.
+ Only a king may fill an open space in the layout.
+ Any movable card may be placed on a card next-higher in rank if it is of opposite color.
+ If more than one card is face up on a tableau pile, all such cards must be moved as a unit.
+ Complete all suits to win the game
+ Single card on deck
+ Three cards on deck
Top info area:
+ Top left is score, move card to foundation will add score, undo move will minus score
+ Click empty ground to set title background color
Restart game, reset game card to initial card order.
Undo card move:
+ Unlimited card move times
+ Score minus every undo
+ New game
+ Game theme, change card board color, operate button color, game background color.
Klondike 1.1