关于Know Your State
您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
This is a quiz based game on Indian state to improve and check your Knowledge on a particular state. Know Your State is a game in which you have been provided with the choice of going to a state based or a open challenge.
The basic difference between the two mode is that in state based game you can actually select the state which you want to take on and you can set the level of question as well.
The open challenge mode you don't have any control over the type of question being asked, but you still can handle the level of question you want to face on.
This game includes preferences where you can set the sound, hints and shake to skip properties.
With shake to skip property you can actually skip a question which you don't want to answer or you don't know the answer it will not be treated as wrong for you either it will be consider as a skip and will be counted separately.
You can actually rate this application by going to the feedback page and report for any bug if there to the provided email account of the developer we will take the action on it as fast as possible.
We have a credit page as well where you can check for the other products of our company and download and rate it accordingly.
we have info button as well in the application which you can use to get the basic information on how the game is being played.