Kuna Ravi Admin
4.4 and up
Android OS
关于Kuna Ravi Admin
This Application is Developed in public interest,by Mr.Kuna Ravi Kumar(M.L.A)
This app provides following features
Exclusive opportunity to send Messages directly to the public and vice versa.
Exciting features that empower public to contribute towards making a positive
difference in society.
Thoughtful forums where you can share your ideas, views and deliberate with a
wide range of people.
All your social connection at one place.
Leader can directly interact with the people and he/she may know the problems
etc. and can react to it.
Leader can take polling’s from the public so that he can know about himself how
people are living under his governing.
This application will reduce the waste of time & paper work to the Leader,
because he can add his schedules, Meeting Points, Achievements etc.; digitally.
He can also look his daily status and he can update everything which he needs to
update in this application.